7 Super Summer Safety Tips For Kids

7 Super Summer Safety Tips For Kids

The swimsuits are out, the BBQs are sizzling and enjoying some outdoor fun. Summertime is well and truly here and it’s a great opportunity to enjoy time with friends and family. The long sunshine filled days of summer do not necessarily scream danger. But there are some very real safety threats to look out for. So here are our 7 super summer safety tips…

7 Super Summer Safety Tips

1: Calling 111

This one isn’t specifically a summer tip, but it is an important tip all the same. Make sure you teach your children how to call the emergency services and when to do it. While you hope to never need to make such a call, it is important that your kids know what to do if the situation calls for it.

2: Avoid Heat Stroke

The summer sun is hot! And it is at its hottest between 10am and 3pm. Be mindful of the sun, always wear a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. Try to stay in the shade when you can. A major cause of heat stroke is not drinking enough water, so make sure you stay hydrated.

Symptoms of heat stroke include headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and lack of sweat. If left untreated, heat stroke can be fatal, so you will need to get victims rehydrated quickly. If you suspect someone has heat stroke, get them into the shade then get them to drink plenty of water, also put them in a cool shower, or spray them with a hose. You can also put icepacks on the groin or in the armpits.

3: Watch Like A Hawk Around Water

Swimming is all kinds of fun, but it also involves one very real danger. Watch your kids like a hawk in the water. Don’t let them swim too far out at the beach and always swim in a lifeguard patrolled area if you can. Your child should have at least basic swimming skills so enroll them in swimming lessons as soon as you are able.

Kids have been known to drown in as little as a couple of inches of water. Do make sure you are with them every time they are swimming. Keep young children within arm’s reach. Keep the hair out of your kids eyes and protect any grommets.

4: Avoiding Burns

Summertime is prime time for BBQ-ing. Make sure you warn your kids when you are turning the BBQ on and always stay near the BBQ grill. Accidental burnings can happen so easily around BBQs and fire pits. For minor burns, you can run the affected area under cold water for 5 to 10 minutes. For anything more serious, take your child to the doctor or hospital.

5: Beware of The Bees!

Bee stings can be more than just painful, they can be fatal if your child has an allergic reaction. So if they do get stung, you need to monitor them carefully. Remove the stinger and apply vinegar or a paste of baking soda and water to reduce swelling. If any of these drastic symptoms develop, you need to get medical attention immediately as they are signs of an allergic reaction - all-over hives, difficulty breathing, dizziness or fainting, or swelling of the lips and tongue.

Bees are attracted to flowers, so don’t dress your child in floral prints, or apply any fragrances. If a bee lands on your child, don’t panic. They will only sting if they feel threatened. Simply blow the bee away calmly.

6: Beware Of The Bugs!

There are a number of pesky summer bugs that can ruin a fun day out. Apply insect repellent and wear light weight long sleeved clothing if you are going into bug infested areas. Invest in a citronella candle if you like to dine al fresco in the evening. Mosquitos don’t like the smell.

7: Be Mindful Of Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is caused when you consume bacteria that you should not. One of the major culprits is food that hasn’t been stored correctly. In the summer heat, food can turn quickly. So refrigerate everything that you can. If you are picnicking, then don’t leave your basket in the direct sunlight. You might choose to store your picnic in an insulated lunch bag https://yumyumkids.co.nz/collections/insulated-lunchboxes-bags to keep it cooler for longer. Always wash your hands before eating or use hand sanitizer if there is no running water nearby.

Always clean your fruit and veggies before eating them. Store raw meat separately to other foods, especially cooked items. Clean down your surfaces and utensils before and after preparing a meal. Signs of food poisoning are nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Treatment includes plenty of fluids, rest and a bland diet. Consult your doctor if you have any concerns.


Bonus Tip: Keep Your First Aid Kit Stocked And On Hand

Be prepared for any accidents that might occur with a well stocked first aid kit. Make sure yours includes…

  • Band-Aids
  • Soap
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Antiseptic ointment
  • Sterile gauze pads
  • Adhesive tape
  • Tweezers
  • Washcloths
  • Cold packs
  • Paracetamol and Pamol
  • Oral antihistamines
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Digital thermometer